Active Review
Physical literacy is defines by Dr. Margaret Whitehead (Founder of the International Physical Literacy Association – IPLA), as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.” The following quiz has been developed to help you create awareness on the affective, cognitive and physical domains in participants.
To conduct the quiz in tune with the principle of physical literacy, assign a movement for each of the answer options – viz., jumping jacks for ‘a’, cross crawl for ‘b’, windmill for ‘c’ and squat for ‘d’.
Read out each question and let the students choose the appropriate answer by performing the specified movement.
Keep grouping the students into two segments such that one group will have only those student who chose option ‘d’ to all the questions. Try to inspire all the students to ultimately fall under this category.
1 | Any physical movement or activity makes me | anxious always | sometimes calm | sometimes anxious | calm always |
2 | I am _____ about participating in the Maverick sessions | indifferent always | sometimes enthusiastic | sometimes indifferent | enthusiastic always |
3 | I am _____ about what I am trying to achieve during the Maverick session and about how to do it. | always confused | sometimes certain | sometimes confused | always certain |
4 | I willingly participate in any physical movement or activity right through the day | sometimes | often | most times | always |
5 | My competence and skill to perform the physical activities I encounter during the day makes me feel | frustrated always | sometimes successful | sometimes frustrated | successful always |
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