Step Three - Odd Even Grab it - Maverick Fit Kids | Physical Literacy Curriculum | Sports Education for Schools

Sample Cognitive Games session for Primary



This game enhances critical thinking skills, cross lateralisation, had-eye coordination and reaction time.

Pair up the students and provide each pair with a bean bag.

The two players stand facing each other and the bean bag is placed evenly between them.

Players place their hands upon their knees.

Trainer will call out a math problem.

If the answer is an even number they have to use their right hand, while if the answer is an odd number, they have to use their left hand.

Players try to grab the object first and run to the centre of the activity area.


Provide a bean bag and a scarf to each pair.

For every question specify which object you wish for them to grab – ‘Grab scarf’ or ‘Grab bag’


Time taken till now – 37 minutes

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