Circuit Training Instructions - Maverick Fit Kids | Physical Literacy Curriculum | Sports Education for Schools

&nbspCircuit Training Instructions

Set up the stations as per details below:

* Prepare the room into Seven Zones (A to G) with Three Stations in each

* If this is the first time you are conducting this session, demonstrate all the exercises included using the audio below. This can be skipped if students are already familiar with the circuit.

* Students are divided into two groups – GROUP 1 & GROUP 2.

* Each group will have pinnies of a distinct colour provided to all members.

* Each student is given a group coloured pinnie with a chest alphabet between A to G printed on it.  Maximum of three students in each group will have the same chest alphabet (Total 21 in each colour).

* The alphabet on the pinnies indicate which zone the student will begin at – ie. student with E will begin in Zone E and then proceed in the following order : F, G, A, B, C, D

* When one group exercises, the other group will rest in the student waiting area.

* Three Stations are provided in each Zone. This will allow 21 students of one group to exercise together (3 stations x 7 zones = 21 students)

* After exercising for 1 minute, the groups swap permitting the second group to use the stations.

* Music has been devised as 1 minute for the activity & a few seconds pause in music to swap. This is available under the MUSIC tab

* When the music track begins, students of Group A will begin at the zone corresponding to their pinnies

* Each participant completes the minimum reps and can do more according to their fitness level subject to the recommended maximum number of repetitions for each exercise.

* On completion of 1 minute, the recording will instruct students to swap – ie. students of Group A go to rest, while students of Group B begin their exercise.

* The REST PERIOD between exercises is COMPULSORY for each group. Ensure every student understands this and does not perform continuously.

* Similarly, at the end of their 1 minute when the voice announces ‘swap’, students from Group B will rest even as students of Group A begin to exercise – but now in the next zone on circuit. That is, students of Group A will move to the next zone on their list (if they just completed Zone B they will go to Zone C).

* The circuit has to be followed thrice. (If you demonstrated a new circuit, you may have time only for 2 sets).

* As the music is for one complete circuit, repeat either the same track or the next track for the 2nd and 3rd sets.

* After completion of 3 sets, allow for a water break and then play the Coach video/audio lesson followed by cool down and affirmations.

Happy Teaching!

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