Step One - Train Tracks - Maverick Fit Kids | Physical Literacy Curriculum | Sports Education for Schools

Sample Cognitive Games session for Kindergarten


Arrange students in four columns

One arm distance in front; double arm distance on sides

Train track

Lay down two ropes on the floor in a straight line parallel to each other, approximately 2 feet apart. These lines will be your train tracks. Provide one beanbag to each student.

Using the train track lines, each student can complete some of the activities below:

* Walk along one of the ropes by putting one foot in front of the other. Continue until you get to the end of the line.

* Make engine movements as they gallop until they get to the end of the track.

* Cross feet over while walking on the rope, so the right foot crosses to the left of the rope and the left foot crosses to the right of the rope. Have the student continue crossing to the end of the line.

* Jump with two feet at the same time on the ropes – right foot near the right rope and left foot near the left rope.

* Walk along the lines on all fours by bending over in order to place the left hand and foot beside the left rope and the right hand and foot beside the right rope.


Time taken till now – 15 minutes

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