Sports Education - Physical literacy curriculum for schools yoga & dancercise fitness

Sample Cognitve Games session for Tiny Tots

Session Components: Train Track | Perpetual Motor skills: Bilateral integration | Handling Parachute | Class Dismiss

Class: UKG

Chapter id: KGS40

Every student must 

* respond to the session activities willingly and enthusiastically 

* be motivated, foster self-confidence and build competency in the skills being taught 

* learn and understand the value of the movements by respecting self and others in the spatial setting.

Every student must 

* be able to cross the midline and perform the bilateral integration movements easily.  

* Jump with both feet in the train tracks activity.

* demonstrate with competency the ability to move with peers while handling the parachute.

Every student must 

* respond efficiently to the needs of the varied movements in the train tracks

* be willing to explore with creativity the movements during bilateral integration sequences

* be open to participate with friends in the parachute game, willingly cooperating with the other students.

Every student must 

* recognise the various movements and adapt them to be performed within the train tracks  

* distinguish between right and left sides and understand the concept of crossing the midline.

* identify the different types of movements called out while handling the parachute.

Cognitive Games:

Train Tracks 

Teaching Strategy:

Guided Discovery

Perpetual Motor Skills

Bilateral Integration & Crossing the Mid-line 

Teaching Strategy:

Convergent Discovery

Object Control

Handling Parachutes 

Teaching Strategy:

Guided Discovery

Signing off:

Class Dismiss 

Teaching Strategy:

Self Reflection

Classroom Interaction:
* Can you show your own creative way of crossing the midline?
* What will happen if each person moves in different directions while handling the parachute?

Home Challenge:
* Can you ask your siblings / parents / grandparents to perform some movements that cross the midline?
* Login to the Maverick app to learn & perform the Train Tracks & Crossing the midline movements

Copyright © 2016 by Gita Krishna Raj. All rights reserved. 

‘MAVERICK FIT KIDS’ Physical Literacy curriculum has been registered with the Copyright office, New Delhi with the number 13239/2016-CO/L. No part of this program including concepts, music and implementation techniques may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the program designer and copyright owner.

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