Step Two - Bilateral Integration - Maverick Fit Kids | Physical Literacy Curriculum | Sports Education for Schools

Sample Cognitive Games session for Kindergarten


Perpetual Motor Skills – Bilateral Integration & Crossing the midline

Perpetual Motor skills are skills vital to a child’s development, learning and growth. It refers to the child’s growing ability to interact with their environment by combining use of their senses and motor skills. The more often they are done, the more pathways the brain will make to accommodate the muscle memory learning.

Try each of the following activities that help develop bilateral integration and have students cross the midline. Introduce each activity by demonstrating it at a normal rate. Then have the students follow along. Talk the students through each activity, slowing down the rate at which it is done. It is better to have students do a few repetitions well, rather than many repetitions quickly and sloppily. You may choose to have each student practice one side of the body before trying to alternate. As soon as the students have the idea of the activity, repeat each motion in a sequence alternating from right to left. When the students are ready, have them do a sequence of five or ten. As students become skilled at performing each motion, increase the quantity.

* Hold a streamer in your right hand. Make large circles in front of the body. Then make circles while holding the streamer in your left hand.

* Lead with your right foot in a galloping motion. Then, lead with the left foot.

* Lift your right foot in front of the body so that you can touch it with the left hand. Put your foot back on the ground. Repeat with the left foot and the right hand.

* Lift your left foot behind your body and reach your left hand behind the body to touch the right foot. Put your foot back on the ground. Repeat with the right hand and left foot.

* Stand up tall with feet slightly apart. Bend over and touch your right foot with your left hand. Repeat with the left foot and right hand.

* Toss a scarf or beanbag into the air with your right hand and catch it with the left hand.

* Touch your right knee with your left elbow. Put your foot back down on the ground. Repeat with the left knee and right elbow.

Time taken till now – 20 minutes

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