Sports Education - Physical literacy curriculum for schools yoga & dancercise fitness

Sample Dynamic Learning session for Mid School

Session Components: Circle warm up | Primal Pattern Push & Pull | Mirror your partner | Embodied emotions : Gratitude & Maverick Affirmations

Class: VII

Chapter id: 1S7S27

Every student must 

* respond to the session activities willingly and enthusiastically 

* be motivated, foster self-confidence and build competency in the skills being taught 

* learn and understand the value of the movements by respecting self and others in the spatial setting.

Every student must 

* reproduce with sync to rhythm and peers the movements in the circle warm up.  

* demonstrate with competency the movements of burpees, partner row, pike push up, pull in tug of war, boxing on a punching bag and wheelbarrow walk.

* be competent with their reaction time to quickly mirror their partner.

Every student must 

* embody the emotion of gratitude and perform movements creatively to depict the same

* display their creativity while waiting in line for their turn during the primal pattern activity and during the mirror your partner activity

* internalise the Maverick Affirmation.

Every student must 

* identify and distinguish the push and pull patterns demonstrated in the primal pattern activity  

* understand and be able to execute the difference between copying and mirroring their partner

* infer from the embodied emotions activity the relationship between emotion and body through their movements

Setting the Stage:

Circle Warm up 

Teaching Strategy:

Command & Practice Style

Dynamic Learning

Primal Pattern: Push & Pull

Teaching Strategy:

Practice Style & Inclusion

Dynamic Learning

Mirror your Partner 

Teaching Strategy:

Reciprocal and Inclusion

Embodied Emotions:

Gratitude & Affirmations

Teaching Strategy:

Self Reflection

Classroom Interaction:
* How do you distinguish between a push and a pull movement? Can you demonstrate with some examples not done during this session?
* What do you mean by embodied emotions? Why should we consciously feel the emotion?

Home Challenge:
* Write a letter of gratitude to anyone who has made a difference in your life.
* Login to the Maverick app to learn to perform the push and pull activities

Copyright © 2016 by Gita Krishna Raj. All rights reserved. 

‘MAVERICK FIT KIDS’ Physical Literacy curriculum has been registered with the Copyright office, New Delhi with the number 13239/2016-CO/L. No part of this program including concepts, music and implementation techniques may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the program designer and copyright owner.

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