Sports Education - Physical literacy curriculum for schools yoga & dancercise fitness
Maverick launched the first Physical Literacy Curriculum in India in 2014.

‘Understanding Physical literacy’ is a 15 part series to help spread awareness and advocacy of physical literacy.

The videos have been curated and presented by Gita Krishna Raj, CEO & program Director of Maverick. Gita is also part of the Physical Literacy India Movement and a member of the International Physical Literacy Association‘s education and training team.

Lesson One: The Embodied Nature

Lesson Two: Value, Desire & Motivation

Lesson Three: Confidence & Physical Competence

Lesson Four: Knowledge & Understanding

Lesson Five: Self Discipline versus Obedience

Lesson Six: The Action – Feeling Cycle

Lesson Seven: Choices & Consequences

Lesson Eight: Attitude, Skill, Knowledge

Lesson Nine: Developing the Attitude

Lesson Ten: Assessments versus Accountability

Lesson Eleven: The Missing Strands

Lesson Twelve: Affective, Cognitive, Physical

Lesson Thirteen: The ‘Why & How’ of Physical Literacy

Lesson Fourteen: The ‘What’ of Physical Literacy

Lesson Fifteen: A Maverick approach to physical literacy